Friday, May 6, 2011

Bread recipe

2 cups flour (you will use one more cup later)
1 T sugar
1 t salt
1 pkg (2 ¼ t) yeast
1 cup hot water

In food processor pulse dry ingredients, add hot water.  Run until combined.  Add 1 cup flour.  Run machine until dough is formed and kneaded about 1.5 minutes.  Dump into grease bowl.  This makes one loaf, easily doubled or trebled as needed. I use this dough for everything

For Bread: allow to rise 15 minutes minimum, shape into loaf, slash, place into cold oven with dish of hot water on bottom rack, set oven temperature to 450 degrees and timer for 30 minutes.  Dough will rise as oven temp raises.

For pizza dough:  after rising shape into large ball and pull to desired size, dock.  Pre-bake in 450 degree oven for about 10 minutes, top as desired, bake again. 

For Pita: after rising form into small equal sized balls allow to rest 5 – 30 minutes.  Roll each ball flat and bake immediately (roll in batches.)  Bake in hottest degree oven possible on pizza stone of the back of heat cookie sheet for 5-7 minutes.  It should puff up and be starting to brown. 

For Naan: follow instructions as for pita but instead of very thin rounds you want thicker rectangles.  Also dock the dough before baking. 

For Breadsticks: form shapes desired after rising and brush with garlic butter or egg wash before baking in 450 degree oven for 10-15 minutes. 

I have used this dough for onion loaf too.  Mix in about a cup of caramelized onions (cooled) to risen dough then form loaf and bake as above for bread.  Very good but does not save well. I also have substituted different flours with great results this is just a super friendly recipe that can do anything.  If you want a more sourdough favor save a small ball of dough in a greased covered bowl  up to 7 days and add it to the next loaf you make (rip into pieces and add to initial flour mixture.)

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