Friday, March 15, 2013

Stash bash - apple sauce

Linking up a day late with Crunchy Momma's Stash Bash!

What is a momma to do when she finds out that she has canned (& canned, & canned) a whole bunch of applesauce from the apples from her trees, only to discover that only one of the kids likes applesauce! This was 2011's summer crop as our apples produced nothing with this past summer's weather. I still have lots of applesauce!

Then I discovered that I could get them to eat it if I took my 'stash' of applesauce and make it into something they all like - fruit leather. This is a great snack for school as my younger kids are required to take either a fruit or a veggie that is also not messy as snack time is during course time. So my dehydrator is getting a workout this week making school snacks.

Side note: I firmly believe we as a society would be better eaters (with less health problems) if we spent a little less time harping on what we ate and a little more time eating. My elementary kids are given 20 minutes to get to the lunch room, go to the bathroom, get their lunch and eat. I really think that making eating important and focusing on doing it would be a better lesson in the long run than teaching kids to eat as fast as they can without thinking about the food or tasting it. I know my Butterfly would be nicer when she got home if she had enough time to eat her lunch, she is so hungry but never gets through her lunch.

On a more crafty note my stash busting crochet flowers are coming along well. I am using up all the bits and pieces of yarn I have, I think I will stitch these all together when I am done and make an afghan for my living room.
Hope your creativity is turning your leftover supplies into things that improve your life!~ Julia


  1. I so totally agree. Not enough time for eating is bad for eating habits and nicer kids. My Pirate also often bring half his lunch uneaten back home. Less movie watching during lunch breaks would also improve the quality of eating, I think. All classrooms have Smartboards, and in all breaks they continuously churn out films from youtube with teachers' approval.
    Next time the trees bless you with abundant apple, then try just dehydrating apple slices. My children all love this.
    Lovely flowers. I hope they can brighten some snowy days for you.

  2. I love youtube when I am looking up how to do something, yet hate it when my kids talk about watching it. I also made jelly, and pie filling, and apple butter, which they do eat. Dehydrating slices will definitely be on this years list.

  3. When I was a first grade teacher I hated lunchtime. We herded 200 kids into a giant room with noise levels so high you couldn't think straight. It was chaos. When I picked my kids back up they were crazy. All afternoon learning was shot. On the days we couldn't go to the cafeteria we would have a calm, sane lunchtime in the room which resulted in happier kids.
    I have the same deal going only with fig jam. Apparently I am the only one who eats it and I put up lots of jars this year.
